Mount Bulgheria

 At sunset, the sleeping Lioness turns pink. Among the various denominations refering to Mount Bulgheria,

inspired by its characteristics, there is the one that describes it, in fact, as a sleeping feline, crouched between the Mingardo and Bussento valleys alone, since there are no other particularly close heights. bulgheria 1Its 1225 meters high are the result of slow tectonic movements, which made it emerge from the sea. The many marine fossils found on the top tell it. They contribute to make it a mountain of extraordinary and recognised environmental value. Which also manifests itself in the particular microclimate, by virtue of which both traditional mountain and tropical crops find favorable conditions on its sides. Not least are the historical peculiarities of the mount, since the traces of human presence in the caves date back to the Paleolithic. And the name Bulgheria dates back to the 5th century AD, when the caves were also used as a refuge by Bulgarian soldiers who arrived there during the Greek-Gothic war.bulgheria 1