To the protagonist of Lamartine’s famous novel, a classic of Romanticism, since 1939, has been dedicated a competition to identify “Graziella” among the young women of Procida who, for the occasion wear the rich and traditional dress, handed down from generation to generation, described with great precision by Lamartine in his work set in the Procida of the early nineteenth century.

And also in honor of the immortal literary character, in the heart of the ancient Procida going up to Terra Murata, the thirteenth-century palace that originally belonged to Giovanni da Procida, and that then became in the seventeenth century the Conservatory of the Orphans and currently Palace of Culture, houses the Museum of Graziella on the second floor, with the reconstruction of a typical nineteenth-century Procidan house, rich in furnishings and historical evidences, that wants to pass on the customs and traditions of the island and enhance the Procidan culture through the protagonist of the literary work which was the first to make Procida known in Europe.