Every seven years and for seven days, from the Monday after the 15th of August until the following Sunday. The entire community of the medieval center of the Telesina Valley is mobilised to organize and animate the rites every seven years in honor of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

The four districts of the hamlet – Croce, Portella, Fontanella and Piazza, are the scene of a succession of several religious events taking place throughout the week: from the mysteries, which represent the scenes of the Old and the New Testament or the stories of the Saints, to the rituals which precede the Saturday procession, until culminate in the solemn Sunday procession, with the statue of the Virgin Mary carried on shoulder through the streets of the hamlet and followed, in the crowd of the participants, by the hooded “flagellants” and the “battenti” who, as a penitence, hit their chest with “spugne” (cork wooden disks with sharp pins) before scattering, anonymous, in the four districts.