The intuition of a young vesuvian winemaker who imitates bees to respect the ecosystem

Taking inspiration from nature, imitating it and having as little impact on the environment as possible is the goal of Antonio Giuliano, a twenty-five years old winemaker from Piazzolla in Nola, answering the call of the earth in the simplest and most genuine way, which is respecting it. And if we are talking about living in harmony with the environment, how can we not draw inspiration from the hardworking bees, which are able of reading the mysteries of nature and making them their own, managing to “self-produce” all that is necessary to remain in perfect balance with the ecosystem?From a scholar observation of natural resources, in fact, bees produce propolis starting from a raw resin found on some trees. After collecting and processing it with saliva and wax, to enrich it with enzymes, the bees use this extraordinary elixir to defend the hive from external threats. The ancient name, propolis, mixes two Greek terms, pro (in defense) and polis (city). The precursor of propolis is a kind of natural, rubbery, balsamic resin, rich in essential oils and components, secreted by the plants to protect buds and vegetative apexes. Starting from this reflection and drawing inspiration from the laws of nature, Antonio Giuliano uses propolis to protect the gems of his Pompeian Piedirosso vineyard, just like some plants do. "I have been using propolis and beeswax in my vineyard for three years - declares Antonio Giuliano, owner of Cantina Maranto - I have found it really useful especially in the early stages of sprouting, because it has the ability to stimulate natural defenses of the plant and acts as an extraordinary natural antibiotic, useful against fungal diseases and parasitic attacks ". Propolis is used in organic farming because it is able to stimulate significant metabolic functions, encouraging the plant to self-defense, and also boasts extraordinary fungicidal and antibacterial properties, thanks to the massive presence of natural pigments, such as flavonoids. In addition, it is effective in protecting plants from atmospheric agents like hail, frost and heat stroke.
Even beeswax is an excellent ally for the health of the vineyard, because it turns out to be a magnificent healing ointment, perfect for healing wounds after pruning, preventing fungal attacks, finding difficult in this way to penetrate pruning cuts. The properties of this extraordinary natural elixir are many: antiviral, healing, immune-stimulating, vaso-protective, antioxidant ... Reasons that have made it a powerful ally for human health over the centuries.
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