The Emerald Grotto

The Emerald Grotto, a nature spectacle

The sun rays penetrating inside from a rock fissure below sea level gives the characteristic for which it is most famous and from which it takes its name: the Emerald Grotto, one of the Coast’s wonders. In the territory of Conca dei Marini, near Amalfi, you can reach it descending from the main road through a staircase leading to a comfortable lift or directly from the sea. And it is from the sea that Luigi Boncore, the fisherman, discovered it by chance in 1932 and revealed it to the world. In the grotto, about thirty meters deep and partly submerged, Nature has created a spectacle. In addition to color, stalactites and stalagmites have formed spectacular limestone columns ten meters high. And on the underwater covered with sediments, the very rare anemonactis mazeli, sea anemone, is living.

In 1956, the human hand deposited on the backdrop a white ceramic nativity, a work of the masters of Vietri, which was then replaced with copies of a more water resistant material. Since then, the tradition of a procession of divers has been created, and at Christmas Day, they go to lay flowers in front of the Holy Child.