MONTESARCHIO - The Archaeological Museum of Sannio Caudino with the Vase of Assteas

The National Archaeological Museum of Sannio Caudino has its seat in the Castle of Montesarchio, with the findings of funerary objects dating back to the 10th/9th century and the Roman era, found in the necropolis of Caudium, Saticula (Sant'Agata de 'Goti) and Telesia (San Salvatore Telesino).

These are mostly corinthian and late eastern ceramic objects, buccheri from Etruria and Capua, Greek red and black figure vases, Italiot red figure vases produced in Apulia and Campania, testifying the exchanges that Caudinis had with others populations. Great attention is paid to the use of the museum’s spaces by children and teenagers, with paths dedicated to the discovery of the world of the Samnites.

On the hill that dominates Caudina Valley, together with the nearby Castle, the Tower is also part of the museum complex. A true jewel of archeology is kept in the ancient fortification: the Rat of Europe, symbol of the European Union. The vase, considered by the experts one of the most beautiful in the world, was accidentally found during an excavation in Sant'Agata de 'Goti, corresponding to the ancient Saticula, fifty years ago. The worker who found it sold it on the black market for a million lire and a little pig. The vase began its adventures from one buyer to another, ending its clandestine journey in the Getty Museum in Malibù, where it was exhibited from 1981 until 2005, when it was returned to Italy, thanks to the investigations of the Italian Police deputy to the protection of the artistic heritage.

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