MONTELLA- Where the rivers born


Montella is not only the heart of PGI chestnuts production bearing its name, recognised as Irpinia typical product. It is also a land of springs of water.

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The spring of Calore river and the one of other small waterways, including Santa Maria stream, which flows through the town. Vast territories in Campania and in the nearby Puglia are benefiting from this abundant water. There are also four cascades: Tufara, Madonnella, Fascio and Lavandaia, which gives its name to a first century B.C bridge, under which Calore River flows. Environmental quality areas, which are also the destination for naturalistic excursions, such as the caves, more particularly the Grotta dei Cantraloni and Grotta del Caprone, and the plateau of Verteglia, a beautiful green monument. Since the Middle-Ages, along the ancient border between Benevento and Salerno, Castel del Monte (Castle of the Mountain) protected this panorama. The Castle is the symbol of the important role that Montella had during the Lombard period, which was consolidated later. It was Charles of Anjou’s favourite shelter, also visited by Alphonse of Aragon. It was a gathering place for the members of Pontaniana Academy.