

After the Unification of Italy, taking advantage of thick wood of beeches, the brigands found there a safe shelter. At an altitude of 1050 meters, the highland of the Laceno in the district of Bagnoli Irpino extends between the Monti Picentini, at the foot of the Cervialto, and surrounded by other summits of the chain.

The lake spreads over part of the Plain which has become smaller and smaller in the last decades and is fed by the stream Tronola. The magnificent woods of beeches, oaks and firs, where the famous truffle of Bagnoli irpino comes from, are populated by considerable diversity of animal species. Therefore, they offer ideal conditions for naturalistic excursions any time of the year. With the possibility in the area to visit the Grotte del Caliendo and with the advantage of tourist accommodations available around the lake, shelters on the surroundings mounts and areas equipped for people passionate about trekking and for families.