The Calore (108 km), Irpino to distinguish it from the homonym river of Lucania, finds its sources on the Accellica Mountain in the Picentini chain, in the cities of Montella and Cassano Irpino.

It is from the water of those sources, used since ancient times, that the Apulian aqueduct is fed. In the Irpinia area, the Alto Calore flows in the center of Montella and Cassano, keeps its way northward up to Castelfranci in order to continue northwestward passing through other villages up to Taurasi and again in the north, up to Venticano. Then, once in Ponte Rotto, it enters in Samnium where it continues its flow. While flowing along Irpinia, it is enriched by the help of several minor water flows. The last tributary on the right before leaving the Irpinia area is the Ufita, which brings the water gathered in its valley, the one from the Miscano River and from other tributaries.