• Ravino Gardens

    At the Ravino Gardens in Forio d’Ischia, the largest collection of succulent plants in Europe

    An ancient vineyard facing west, in front of the wonder of the sunset that is renewed every day in the sea of​ Forio d’Ischia. A fertile land, whichs welcomes and feeds even strangers, as if they have always belonged to it. A climate that does not betray and that with its mildness makes the difference. And a great passion that time has not affected, but


    For nineteen centuries, Aenaria had been only a legend. In the bay dominated by the Aragonese Castle, no one had never found traces of the mythical Roman city which had transmitted its name to the entire island.ph. I. Moccia pUntil the summer of 1973, when two friends, during a dive in the Rocks of Sant’Anna,


    Aragonese Castle - Island of Ischia

    They are the survivors of a large group of silent witnesses. For over a century, they observed from above the sumptuous celebrations in the great cathedral dedicated to the Assumption, the religious heart of the Aragonese Castle, which had already ceded almost all its functions and population to the large island. Scattered in every corner, the chubby putti had represented, in those first

  • ISOLA D'ISCHIA - Falanga woods

    A musical journey through space and time

  • Dalla pietra prende il nome l’Isola Verde

    Sebbene cresca ovunque particolarmente rigogliosa, grazie alla fertilità del suolo vulcanico, non è dalla vegetazione che in gran parte la ricopre che Ischia ha preso il nome di Isola Verde.

  • The port of Ischia used to be a lake with an islet

    Until 1854, the port of Ischia was a lake of volcanic origin, which only a narrow strop of sand separated from the sea. Inside, there was an inhabited islet. Which in 140 A.D was the subject of a letter sent by the young Marcus Aurelius, future emperor, to his rhetoric teacher, Fronto.

  • Da Pithekoussai, prima colonia della Magna Grecia, si diffuse l’alfabeto

    L’alfabeto latino, che ancora oggi utilizziamo come tanta parte della popolazione mondiale, ha la sua origine nell’alfabeto greco in uso nell’isola di Eubea, dalla quale provenivano i coloni che si insediarono sull’isola d’Ischia, da loro chiamata Pithekoussai, intorno al 790/780 a.C.


    The recital of mother nature

    La Mortella Gardens in May 2004 were judged the most beautiful park in Italy by Briggs & Stratton.

    In 2010, when lady Susana Gil Paso passed away, who was the project creator and curator of this tropical- Mediterranean oasis which has been declined, linked and married in (and with) all the senses to the music of her husband, the composer Sir William Walton, it was written that

  • Sorgeto

    By night, of course! During the day you can go by boat.