Unesco sites

  • NOLA – La festa dei Gigli in onore di San Paolino

    unescoDall’alto dei campanili ai lati della facciata neoclassica della cattedrale intitolata alla Madonna Assunta, le statue dei patroni dominano la grande piazza, cuore della città di Nola.

  • The Art of the traditional Neapolitan "Pizzaiuolo" since 2017 - World Heritage

    unescoOriginally, it was only a flat bread seasoned with different ingredients, according to the availability. But the simple mix of water, flour, yeast and salt has become the basis of one of the most famous foods and appreciated in the world only thanks to the production techniques and improved abilities of the Neapolitan “pizzaoioli” over centuries.

  • PADULA - San Lorenzo Charterhouse

    unescoA jewel delivered by history. In Padula, in the heart of the Vallo di Diano, there is one of the most important monasteries of the Old Continent, certainly the largest.

    Fifty-onethousandfivehundred square meters for a self-sufficient citadel detached from worldliness, in line with the rigorous rule of the Carthusians. The latter model, from

  • CASERTA - Il Real Belvedere di San Leucio

    unescoE’ l’altura che dona la visuale più ampia e bella sulla Campania Felix. Anche senza raggiungerne la sommità. E proprio la collina di San Leucio aveva scelto il conte Andrea Matteo Acquaviva per costruirvi, nella seconda metà del Cinquecento, un nuovo palazzo, affacciato sui suoi possedimenti nella vasta pianura e sulla città di


    unesco«For the magnificence of the imposing bridges, this work competes with the Roman structures»

    Rudolf Wittkover

    Breathless, until the end. Everyone is waiting: King Ferdinand, the court and a crowd that had gathered for the great occasion. It was May 7, 1762 and

  • Alburni Mountains

    unescoIt is an integral part of the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park to which they were added later, the Alburni are a mountainous massif between the Sele valley and the Tanagro valley.

  • NOVI VELIA - Sanctuary of the Sacred Mount

    unescoIt has been a pilgrimage destination between the last Sunday of May and the first of October for seven centuries. On the "mount of the idol", according to the Arabic etymology of the name Gelbison, at 1705 meters in altitude, stands the Sanctuary of the Sacred Mount of Novi Velia, an ancient

  • Paestum

    In the shadow of the temples, the city of Poseidon

    «At last, when we were doubting whether we were passing through rocks or ruins, some great oblong masses enabled us to distinguish the remains of temples, and other monuments of a once splendid city.». 



  • TORRE ANNUNZIATA - The ancient Oplontis


    A casual discovery, like most of those that since the 18th century have returned the archaeological treasures in the shadow of Vesuvius.

  • ERCOLANO - The Villa of Pisoni or Papyri

    unescoThe excavations searching for the ancient Herculaneum buried by the eruption of 79 AD were started in 1738, but the fame of the city emerging from the mud was soon supplanted by that of Pompeii which is just about 20 kilometers away.


    unescoPompeii stands on a plateau 30 meters above sea level and at a short distance from the mouth of the Sarno river. The fortune of the city was in fact linked to its position next to the sea, that made it a port for every centre of the Campania hinterland, in competition with the Greek cities of the coast.

  • Santa Sofia, Unesco heritage

    unescoThe church of Santa Sofia is a sacred edifice and an art treasure chest. It was born to become the symbol of the Lombard power over Benevento and its territory, the heart of the Langobardia minor, the duchy of the South which in 758, King Desiderius had entrusted to his son-in-low Arechis II.

  • Amalfi

    Fifty-seven steps leading to the most famous and visited monument

    unescoThe beautiful and majestic Cathedral of Amalfi summarises, in the variety of styles and inspirations, the mediterranean vocation, which has made a


    From the panoramic Via Petrarca, from Posillipo and from the noble ventricle of the heart of the metropolis of today, the blue currents still ripple the surrounding of what is both gouache and novel: the near and distant profiles of Ischia, Procida, Capo Miseno, Capri, the Sorrentine Peninsula; and then the "postcard" of Vesuvius, the urban maze revealed by the eastern towers of the city, the palaces, monuments and churches of an immense historic center, from
