Archeological sites


    Un secolo fa, nel 1922, alcuni operai edili erano intenti a realizzare lo scavo di fondazione per un nuovo edificio in una zona non lontana dal famoso anfiteatro di Capua.

  • CIMITILE - The sacred complex of paleochristian Basilicas

    An extraordinary concentration, stratification, interpenetration of sacred buildings. Thirteen sacred buildings, seven of which can be identified as basilicas.

  • CONZA DELLA CAMPANIA - The historical and archaeological park

    Until 1980 they were picturesque stone paths between the houses of a lively and populated village. For less then twenty years, these paths identified the location of ancient ruins, protected by a historical-archaeological park open to visitors.

  • ROSCIGNO - the archaeological area of Mount Pruno

    It is the path 518 of the National Park of Cilento, Aburni and Vallo di Diano, the ancient Casiliccio path, that connects Old Roscigno immersed in its lethargic sleep to New Roscigno where life flows.

  • POGGIOMARINO - The pile dwelling village of Longola

    Until a few decades ago, characteristic wooden boats sailed on the Sarno river, used for fishing and for collecting reeds.

  • FRATTE - La città prima etrusca e poi sannita

    Avevano seguito il corso dell’Irno, fino ad avvicinarsi al luogo in cui s’incontra col mare.

  • CALVI RISORTA - the ancient Cales

    The ancient Cales is located near Calvi Risorta, founded by the Ausoni or Aurunci and their capital, then sung by Latin poets and mentioned by Cicero for its wine production already of excellence at that time, as we say today.

  • PIETRAVAIRANO - Roman theater and temple

    The pre-Roman megalithic walls were originally known to be from the hamlet of S. Eramo, in the territory of Pietravairano.

  • SESSA AURUNCA - Roman theater

    The recovery began a century ago, with the first excavations in the area of ​​the ancient theater of Suessa, a powerful center of the Aurunca Pentapolis whose first evidence dates back to the 8th century BC.

  • TEANO - The Roman theater

    The path towards the town of Teano crossed lands with the remains of ancient buildings barely visible among brambles and wild herbs. For those presences, the entire area was known as "the Caves" and a chapel dedicated to the Madonna had been erected there.

  • CAPACCIO - the temple of Hera Argiva and the mouth of Sele

    According to Strabone, it was Jason, after having conquered the golden fleece, to stop with the Argonauts at the mouth of Sele and to dedicate a sanctuary to the goddess Hera.

  • ASCEA - the archaeological park of Elea-Velia

    A promontory on the sea with a nearby source of fresh water: for the Greeks it was the ideal condition for a new settlement. And between Punta Licosa and Capo Palinuro they found Focei settlers, fleeing after the defeat suffered in the naval battle of Alalia by an Etruscan-Carthaginian coalition.


    Era il I secolo d.C., tra il 30 e il 60, quando un ricco e colto personaggio della Roma imperiale, forse un senatore, costruì la sua grande villa marittima nel luogo che dal torrente avrebbe preso il nome di Rheginna Minor, divenuta semplicemente Minori molto tempo dopo, con la dominazione sveva. Quella villa marittima, sepolta dai materiali dell’eruzione del Vesuvio nel 79 d.C. e da colate di fango successive, dopo essere stata


    For nineteen centuries, Aenaria had been only a legend. In the bay dominated by the Aragonese Castle, no one had never found traces of the mythical Roman city which had transmitted its name to the entire island.ph. I. Moccia pUntil the summer of 1973, when two friends, during a

  • CAPRI - Villa Jovis e le residenze degli imperatori

    Dedicata a Giove, la Villa Jovis dell’imperatore Tiberio è la prima tra le dodici ville isolane d’epoca romana. Immensa, con settemila metri quadrati di costruzioni, tredicimila metri di parco con terrazze e ninfei disseminati su 40 metri di dislivello, si protende, maestosa, verso la Penisola Sorrentina e Punta Campanella. Gli scavi di Amedeo Maiuri hanno riportato alla luce il nucleo centrale con grandi


    The Flavio Amphitheatre, which has the same name as the eternal city, it is the third largest after the Coliseum in Rome and the one of Maria Capua Vetere, in Capua.


    The Rione Terra is the heart of the ancient Roman Puteoli, fully enhanced in its great archaeological value with a restoration that, in recent years, has also allowed its use by the public.

    The most singular monument of Pozzuoli is the macellum, or the public market, better known as the Temple of Serapis for the discovery of the statue of the Greek-Egyptian god seated on a throne with the calathos on his head, a basket, symbol of abundance and fertility.
  • BENEVENTO - the Roman theatre

    The huge Roman theater of the Sannio's capital, could accommodate up to ten thousand spectators when it was in use. Built under Hadrian, near the city cardo maximum and inaugurated in 126 AD, as one of the two stones at the entrance to the scene recalls, while the other celebrates the expansion wanted by Caracalla between 200 and 210. A majestic theater matching the importance of Benevento. With a diameter of 98 meters, built in

  • STABIA - La città romana cancellata dal Vesuvio

    Il mito ne collega l’origine a Ercole. Ma furono gli Osci, che si insediarono su quel tratto di costa dell’ampio golfo nell’VIII secolo a.C,, a fissare per la prima volta in un’iscrizione il nome di Stabia.

  • BOSCOREALE - A huge heritage dispersed around the world

    For centuries they have embellished the collections of museums in half Europe and across the Atlantic. Discoveries, revealed to the world, stripped of their most valuable content and then, almost always, returned to the earth and oblivion.

  • TORRE ANNUNZIATA - The ancient Oplontis


    A casual discovery, like most of those that since the 18th century have returned the archaeological treasures in the shadow of Vesuvius.

  • ERCOLANO - The Villa of Pisoni or Papyri

    unescoThe excavations searching for the ancient Herculaneum buried by the eruption of 79 AD were started in 1738, but the fame of the city emerging from the mud was soon supplanted by that of Pompeii which is just about 20 kilometers away.


    unescoPompeii stands on a plateau 30 meters above sea level and at a short distance from the mouth of the Sarno river. The fortune of the city was in fact linked to its position next to the sea, that made it a port for every centre of the Campania hinterland, in competition with the Greek cities of the coast.


    Regarding the origins of the city, the most conformed hypothesis is that it was founded around the 8th century b.C by the habitants of the nearby Pithekoussai (Ischia) coming from the Euboea cities of Chalcis and Eretria. In a very short time, it became a flourishing and powerful city, and it extended its influence on the phlegraean and Parthenopean gulf.
  • MIRABELLA ECLANO - Il parco archeologico sulla via Appia

    Su una dorsale collinare tra le valli del Calore e dell’Ufita, Mirabella trae il suo secondo nome dall’antica Aeclanum, il cui sito è nella frazione Passo di Mirabella.