Napoli - Vesuvio


From the panoramic Via Petrarca, from Posillipo and from the noble ventricle of the heart of the metropolis of today, the blue currents still ripple the surrounding of what is both gouache and novel: the near and distant profiles of Ischia, Procida, Capo Miseno, Capri, the Sorrentine Peninsula; and then the "postcard" of Vesuvius, the urban maze revealed by the eastern towers of the city, the palaces, monuments and churches of an immense historic center, from the Certosa of S. Martino and Castel Sant'Elmo to the Maschio Angioino, to the Castel dell'Ovo.


Shopping in town offers a fantastic gallery of many talents and masters of manual skills, with objects, characters and places of worship famous around the world.

In the medieval Naples, on the trail of Cavallini

The first step is in one of the most beautiful sacred buildings rich in art works and historical testimonies of the city, San Domenico Maggiore, the mother church in the Kingdom of Naples of the powerful Dominican order. Charles II of Anjou strongly wanted it and the construction took place between 1283 and 1324 in Gothic style.

The Botanical Garden

A garden inspired by rigorous scientific parameters, but that could be enjoyable for the visitors as well. It was with these criteria that the project of the Royal Botanical Garden was created, when, in 1807, king Joseph Bonaparte decided to launch the work, already imagined by Ferdinand IV.

The Art of the traditional Neapolitan "Pizzaiuolo" since 2017 - World Heritage

unescoOriginally, it was only a flat bread seasoned with different ingredients, according to the availability. But the simple mix of water, flour, yeast and salt has become the basis of one of the most famous foods and appreciated in the world only thanks to the production techniques and improved abilities of the Neapolitan “pizzaoioli” over centuries.

The Zoological Station Anton Dohrn and the Aquarium of Naples

The zoological station of Naples is a scientific excellence of international level and a precious point of reference in order to understand the relationship between the city and its sea. And it is also the creature of Anton Dohrn, to whom it is named, one of the most interesting characters of the 19th century scientific panorama, among the first supporters of Darwinian theories when those hardly managed to assert themselves in the official scientific worlds.

Villa Comunale

A public walk along the sea. It was in 1692 when the viceroy of that time, Luis Francisco de la Cerda Aragòn, Duke of Medinaceli, had the idea. The Riviera di Chiaia was chosen to make the innovation possible,  where the beach was paved and in order to embellish the new road, fountains were installed and several trees were planted.

Castel Nuovo or Maschio Angioino

It is the most famous Castle in Naples, symbol of the city, and is the most recent of all. It is not explained by the name “Maschio Angioino” with which we know it nowadays, but with the obsolete name that, in an eloquent way, identified it compared to the others when it was built: Castel Nuovo (“New Castle”). 

NAPLES - The National Archaeological Museum of Naples - MANN

The museum on the hill of Capodimonte, established in 1957, boasts a historical origin linked to the birth of the independent Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. That site still completely devoid of buildings in the area of St. Carlo all'Arena, outside the walls, but incorporated into the city by the very northward movement of the walls wanted by don Pedro de Toledo.

Villa Floridiana and the Ceramics Museum in Vomero

Fresh and healthy air, a splendid view of the gulf, as green as the setting of an eighteenth-century villa: there were all the conditions for it to be an ideal holiday residence. And they convinced King Ferdinand I that it was worth buying that property on the southern edge of the Vomero hill to present it to the Duchess of Floridia Lucia Migliaccio, his morganatic wife.

Castle St. Elmo

From the top of the Vomero Hill, Castel Sant’Elmo dominates the whole city and represents an ideal observation point of its entire gulf. It was precisely the strategic position of the hill, anciently known as Paturcium, which from the 10th century housed the small church of Sant’Erasmo, that suggested to Robert of Anjou the idea of building a palatium castrum.

The pharmacy of the Incurable and the Museum of the Sanitary Arts

An art treasure at the service of science. The historic Pharmacy of the Incurable has been like this since its foundation, an integral part of the complex which included originally the Hospital of Santa Maria del Popolo of the Incurable and the Church of Santa Maria del Popolo, near the upper decumanus, in the heart of Naples.

The Vergilian Park in Piedigrotta

Only a vowel changes in the adjective but the reference fo the poet Virgil remains in both cases, but the Vergilian Park should not be confused with the Virgilian one, already Park of the Remembrance. The Vergilian one is located behind the church of S. Mary of Piedigrotta.

Castel Capuano

Overlooking the central Via dei Tribunali, behind Porta Capuana, access to the road connecting with the ancient Capua,  Castel Capuano, apart from the evocative name of its original function, is commonly assimilated to one of the several palaces of the historic centre of Naples, courthouse of the city. This explains the reason why it has been the city’s courthouse for centuries.

The Museum of Contemporary Art Donnaregina-Madre

In the central district of San Lorenzo, in Via Settembrini, the Museum of contemporary art, well-known with the acronym “Madre”, is identified with the historic Donnaregina Palace, edified in the 18th century on a section of the ancient city walls of the 5th and 6th centuries, which is visible in the ticket office area, with modifications dating back to the 19th century.

The Virgilian Park in Posillipo

At the beginning, when it was opened to the public in 1931, it was called "Parco della Vittoria" (the "Victory Park") or "della Bellezza" ("of the Beauty"), and then became Park of Remembrance in honor of the fallen of the First World War. Today known ad Virgilian Park, in honor of the Latin poet, it is located on Posilipo tuff promontory, above the Seiano Grotto, which leads to the Archaeological Park of Posillipo or of Pausilypon with the 1st century Roman villa. 

Castel dell’Ovo

The history of Castel dell’Ovo (literally "Egg Castle") cannot be separated from the one of the islet of yellow tuff near the coastline called Megaride, where according to the myth, te siren Parthenope is buried.

Basilica of Saint Mary Major at Pietrasanta in via Tribunali

A piece of blue cloth. Upon awakening, Bishop Pomponio had very clear the message that had been entrusted to him by St. Mary in his dream. He should have erected a church in her name in the spot marked by that sign, to free a part of the ancient center of the city, around Miraglia Square, from the infestation of the diabolic pig.

The church and monastery of St. Gregorio Armeno

A place of silence and meditation. And of artistic charm too. That gave its name to one of the most famous streets in Naples, an important stop for anyone visiting the city: St. Gregorio Armeno. This street, naturally associated with the tradition of the nativity scene has been home to a church and a monastic complex linked to the cult of the first patriarch and author of the spread of Christianity in Armenia at the beginning of the 4h century, that is St. Gregory.

Royal Palace

The Royal Palace is symbol of Spanish greatness and it was built on a design of the great architect Domenico Fontana, in a strategic location, not far from the port and in front of a perfect flat space for military parades and large gatherings of people. It was 1600 and two years earlier Fernandez Ruiz de Castro was appointed Naples viceroy by Philip III.

NAPOLI – Gallerie d’Italia

Sulla stessa centralissima strada, via Toledo, a poche decine di metri di distanza, ha cambiato sede uno dei capolavori di Caravaggio, l’ultima sua creazione prima di lasciare la città di Partenope e andare a concludere la sua vita a Malta, Il martirio di Sant’Orsola.

San Gregorio Armeno, the heart of the Neapolitan nativity scene culture

A trip to Naples is not complete if you don't walk through San Gregorio Armeno to choose the shepherds, regardless (mentioning Totò, the famous Neapolitan actor) of the Christmas period, in a dimension – the Decumans one – which is like «a nativity scene within the nativity scene» in a reflection multiplied by the mirrors.

Il Duomo dedicato all’Assunta, cuore del culto a San Gennaro

Sovrapposizione di livelli, di epoche, di stili. A comporre armonicamente un complesso monumentale che, oltre ad essere scrigno prezioso di opere d’arte, è anche dalla fondazione testimone e riferimento della religiosità dei napoletani.

Saint Martin Charterhouse

Contemporary to the Padula one, the complex of the Charterhouse on the Vomero hill dominating the city is part of the context of Angevin religious patronage and shows the expansion of the Cartusians order into the Kingdom of Naples.

The Underwater park La Gaiola

It is a unicum of extraordinary value for its environmental and historical-archaeological characteristics. Right in front of Posillipo, in the stretch of sea between the village of Marechiaro and Punta Cavallo, the western limit of the bay of Trentaremi, located further north, towards the Phlegraean coast.

Il Complesso monumentale di Santa Chiara, trionfo del gotico napoletano

Religiosissimo, devoto a San Francesco come la seconda moglie Sancha di Maiorca, re Roberto d’Angiò volle creare una cittadella francescana appena al di fuori delle mura antiche della sua capitale.

Museum Of Capodimonte

The museum on the hill of Capodimonte, established in 1957, boasts a historical origin linked to the birth of the independent Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. It was in 1734, when the Spanish viceroyalty ended, Charles III of Bourbon became King and Naples was catapulted into a political dimension which had a parallel importance to the cultural one already expressed in Europe for centuries.

Dante square and the Foro Carolino

It was historically known and frequented for the market that took place every Wednesday for two centuries. A function underlined, to the north, by the presence of a structure with grain pits and, to the south, by the oil deposits.

The Church of St. Nicholas the Charitable in Via Toledo

Strolling through Toledo… is the chorus of a famous Neapolitan song. Along the crowded Neapolitan artery among glittering shop windows, historic buildings and crowds going for shopping, but to attract is the open door of a church where the scaffolding of Innocenti tubes can be spotted.
