
  • ISCHIA - La Mortella Gardens

    "It's only a stone quarry", was the comment filled with astonishment and disappointment by Laurence Olivier, his closest friend. In front of that barren gorge surrounded by high walls of volcanic rock, the choice of William and Susana to plant the roots they had decided to put on the island was completely incomprehensible to him.

  • The Botanical Garden

    A garden inspired by rigorous scientific parameters, but that could be enjoyable for the visitors as well. It was with these criteria that the project of the Royal Botanical Garden was created, when, in 1807, king Joseph Bonaparte decided to launch the work, already imagined by Ferdinand IV.

  • Villa Comunale

    A public walk along the sea. It was in 1692 when the viceroy of that time, Luis Francisco de la Cerda Aragòn, Duke of Medinaceli, had the idea. The Riviera di Chiaia was chosen to make the innovation possible,  where the beach was paved and in order to embellish the new road, fountains were installed and several trees were planted.

  • SALERNO - Il Giardino della Minerva

    Nella città della più famosa scuola medica del Medio Evo, Salerno, non poteva non esserci anche un Giardino dei Semplici con le piante necessarie alle terapie in uso a quel tempo. A crearlo, nel primo ventennio del XIV secolo, era stato il maestro Matteo Silvatico, che vi aveva destinato un terreno di antic che a proprietà della sua famiglia, collocato in una zona di orti terrazzati nel centro di Salerno, lungo l’asse che collega la Villa

  • Ravino Gardens

    At the Ravino Gardens in Forio d’Ischia, the largest collection of succulent plants in Europe

    An ancient vineyard facing west, in front of the wonder of the sunset that is renewed every day in the sea of​ Forio d’Ischia. A fertile land, whichs welcomes and feeds even strangers, as if they have always belonged to it. A climate that does not betray and that with its mildness makes the difference. And

  • The Virgilian Park in Posillipo

    At the beginning, when it was opened to the public in 1931, it was called "Parco della Vittoria" (the "Victory Park") or "della Bellezza" ("of the Beauty"), and then became Park of Remembrance in honor of the fallen of the First World War. Today known ad Virgilian Park, in honor of the Latin poet, it is located on Posilipo tuff promontory, above the Seiano Grotto, which leads to the Archaeological Park of Posillipo or of

  • The Vergilian Park in Piedigrotta

    Only a vowel changes in the adjective but the reference fo the poet Virgil remains in both cases, but the Vergilian Park should not be confused with the Virgilian one, already Park of the Remembrance. The Vergilian one is located behind the church of S. Mary of Piedigrotta.

  • Villa Floridiana and the Ceramics Museum in Vomero

    Fresh and healthy air, a splendid view of the gulf, as green as the setting of an eighteenth-century villa: there were all the conditions for it to be an ideal holiday residence. And they convinced King Ferdinand I that it was worth buying that property on the southern edge of the Vomero hill to present it to the Duchess of Floridia Lucia Migliaccio, his morganatic wife.

  • POMPEII- in the Botanical Garden of the Excavations, the plants cultivated by the Romans

    Inaugurated in 2007 and tended by the Superintendency of Pompeii’s Laboratory of Applied Research inside the Excavations, the Pompeii Botanical Garden occupies an area of over 800 meters square, in which all the species already living in the ancient city are collected: fruit trees, medicinal and sacred plants, vegetables, marsh and textile plants.