Nel settimo libro dell’”Eneide”, Virgilio vi aveva identificato una delle porte d’ingresso agli Inferi, come il Lago d’Averno sulla costa flegrea.
Montella is not only the heart of PGI chestnuts production bearing its name, recognised as Irpinia typical product. It is also a land of springs of water.
Roasted and shredded, they appeared as an ingredient in different recipes of the “De re coquinaria” of Apicius, the famous roman chef who lived between the 1st and the 2nd century a.D and recommended the use of “nuts of Avella”, in other words the nuts.
E’ una testa di lupo, hirpus, l’elemento decorativo che caratterizza le ceramiche della necropoli di Piano Cerasulo.
The “cart wheels” weigh six kilos, but the most common size is two kilos. Round loaves, of wheat and soft flour, risen with sourdough and baked in wood –fired oven : this is the bread which has made Calitri famous.The “cart wheels” weigh six kilos, but the most common size is two kilos. Round loaves, of wheat and soft flour, risen with sourdough and baked in wood –fired oven : this is the bread which has made Calitri famous.
I Grimaldi, Principi di Monaco, per oltre un secolo, dal 1532 al 1631, possedettero il feudo di Monteverde, l’antico Mons Viridis che già ne suo nome rappresenta la verde Irpinia.
Su una dorsale collinare tra le valli del Calore e dell’Ufita, Mirabella trae il suo secondo nome dall’antica Aeclanum, il cui sito è nella frazione Passo di Mirabella.