• Sul Regno di Nettuno volano gabbiani corsi e uccelli marini dal nord Atlantico

    Negli anfratti rocciosi dell’isolotto di Vivara, selvaggi e riparati, possono nidificare indisturbati e contribuire alla sopravvivenza della loro specie, tuttora in pericolo.

    It is the fourth of the Phlegraean Island. The smallest with its diameter of half a kilometre. It is the closest to the mainland, to which a bridge is connected since 1936. Therefore, it is no longer considered an island.
  • Li Galli, the archipelago of the sirens

    In spring, the yellow blooms of the daffodils colour the rich and low wild vegetation that covers the islands. The larger one, in the shape of a dolphin, which however has the name of Gallo Lungo.


    The island of the global holiday

    the beautiful, wonderful, fascinating, proteiform, and simple island of the global holiday, with a big heart, is among the most visited locations in the world..

    Why? Because relax is made of impulses coinciding with primordial elements, and they are linked with the testimonies that men have left over the centuries: from dry walls, built

  • Procida


    A maritime history, of oars and sails, of anglers and courageous captains:


    Copyright video, pics and tests © 2020

    This is the story of Procida, quiet and tiny (3,7 square kilometres), immersed in the Tyrrhenian Sea as the pearl of a wild oyster, so charming that it

  • Capri

    Capri, charm & whim:

    it is the age-old prototype of exclusivity on global scale.

    It was and it is mythologised in every single aspect.

    In its presence, the spirit of the frenetic traveller is tenderised, in order to allow something extraordinary: the “Piazzetta”, the Faraglioni, the Blue Grotto, which is the “most famous after the
