Antonino Guarracino, in the heart of Sorrento, where humble wood turns into gold

That particular air in the days with wind from the north. When Sorrento’s landscape stands out even more clearly against the clear sky, on the blue sea filled with sails taking advantage of the strong breeze. Being able to portray atmosphere, colors and reflections is a challenge for artists.
WhatsApp Image 2021 09 01 at 09.24.41Gathered from the brush of a landscape painter in the 19th century. And, nowadays by a creative man that "paints" with wood. Yes, you read that correctly, with, not on wood like so many pictorial works over the centuries. Because Antonino Guarracino is not a painter, but a marquetry artist and it is with wood that he makes his creations. Not paintings or furniture or the classic caskets that have made the marquetry of Sorrento so famous in the world, but, innovative in this too, jewelry. Elegant, detailed, elaborate. Miniature wood like jewels. And in fact, the craftsman defines himself as the goldsmith of wood because behind every unique piece there is the same mastery of those who model precious metals. The only difference is in the tools. Guarracino’s passion for the wood is not a family inheritance, as it was for the many Sorrentines who have passed it down from generation to generation. Although it has been with him for most of his life. This passion has directed his choices over time, up to the most recent, difficult and satisfying one, and now is finally rewarding him. That material in his hands proves to be of extraordinary versatility, discovered when he was still a few years old and went for a walk with his parents through the alleys of Sorrento.
WhatsApp Image 2021 09 01 at 09.25.02In these alleys, one after the other, the many Marquetry shops that populated the city center up until a few decades ago. The skill and creativity founded there had attracted him to the point of directing him, as soon as he was old enough, towards the art institute, keeper of ancient techniques he needed to master: "I attended the course for tarsia (marquetry) and then I immediately started working in a carpentry where furniture in the 19th century style built on large surfaces with important decorations. Over the years, I have learned a lot ».
From furniture to boats
The daily practice was increasing his knowledge and improving his skills, as well as making him familiar with the different stages of processing. But the production of decorated furnitures typical of Sorrento, after the 19th century splendor extended into the 20th century, began to enter into crisis and the carpentry closed. Antonino, however, did not want to quit, that was his passion. And so he went to work in a shipyard. Of course, he moved away from the most creative activity, but he still remained tied to his subject matter. "That experience was also very formative - he says - I acquired more knowledge, above all I learned to bend wood. Between the previous work and that on the construction site, it is as if I had put together two craftsmen. And the first episode that changed my life happened right around that time. I remember it as it was yesterday: I was working with emery several layers of overlapping plywood, on an edge, when I realized how many and what particular effects could be produced. Some time later, my wife broke a pin she wore to keep her hair in place and I rearranged it by gluing several layers of wood. She liked it very much and she asked me why I didn't try to make rings and bracelets with that technique. That was how the idea came "..
WhatsApp Image 2021 09 01 at 09.25.05At the beginning, he made his first rings and bracelets just for his wife, then for her friends, who appreciated them very much, reinforcing the original intuition. And so Antonino began to design other jewels, to look for ideas and confirmations in the sector fairs, to ask himself if a workshop could have worked. So he continued to work on the construction site, while cultivating that idea with increasing conviction. And in fact he had started looking for the right space to make it happen. A research that lasted ten years. «Nautical carpentry is heavy and unhealthy work, it is a process with many chemical products. I went on for a long time, but the will to change was getting stronger and stronger. I was just waiting for the right opportunity and the right time “.
The adventure of the shop
Both showed up in a room in the historic center of Sorrento, ideal for setting up the much desired laboratory. Thus, in the middle of the pandemic, Guarracino embarked on the new adventure, with the courage needed to chase his own dream: "Many have tried to dissuade me - he acknowledges - but by now I was determined and I wanted to go all the way . And it was the best thing I could do… ». He had put together a large number of drawings over the years, which he is gradually transforming into unique pieces offered to those who already know and appreciate his work and to those who, on the other hand, discover the wood goldsmith's workshop while walking in the heart of Sorrento. Entering it, in that creative welcoming space, is an experience that goes far beyond the choice and purchase of an object. Guarracino is in love with the work he has invented and tailored to him, so he loves to talk about it with those who show their appreciation and want to know more. Starting with the delicate and complex processing of the small wooden pieces composing the harmony of the individual objects. "Planning is the first thing - explains - that's when I set everything. The choice of wood too, taking into account the veins that are more than a detail, because they contribute in a fundamental way to the decoration. Then there is the cutting of the pieces, the coloring, where the color is needed, and the composition according to the design. A work of patience and precision, of which I can take care of all the phases thanks to my previous training. Wood is my gold, a humble material which, through my idea and work, becomes precious »..
Tradition renews itself
WhatsApp Image 2021 09 01 at 09.25.03 1The choice of materials plays an important role: «I have about one hundred and twenty different woods available, which I can say come from all over the world. Of course, there is no shortage of natural woods from our area, traditionally used by Sorrento’s craftsmen: especially the olive tree and the oak, walnut, maple, pear, cherry and even poplar. Each one offers me particular characteristics, contributing to the originality of the individual pieces. Being made entirely by hand, there is always a detail, even a small grain, which makes them absolutely unique ". On the workbench there are many objects for the various stages of processing, waiting to be completed, because Guarracino takes care that the assortment of the display case is always wide and varied: "Those who pass by, after having already been here, must always find something again, even more particular than the previous time. Once an object is sold, it must be immediately replaced with a different one. I have many drawings and I want to propose something always news. It is something that people notice, that makes a difference ». Together with the pleasure of Guarracino - who for this reason also deals personally with the sale - to show and tell the story of his work, an added value to the preciousness of his jewels. But also the opportunity to talk about the tradition of Sorrento’s marquetry from which his passion originated: "I like that the typical Sorrento marquetry continues to turn with my jewels and arouse interest and attention even among foreigners". This is also why he dreamed of opening his own shop. The place where work has become a pleasure. To be transmitted and shared. In the heart of Sorrento, where a centuries-old tradition continues to live in new and original forms thanks to the goldsmith of wood..
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