Artisanal pastries cuddling the five senses from Foiano di Val Fortore

It’s a familiar scent to show the way. Few steps from the main square, in the hearth of Foiano ,sense of smell is tickled by an intense and summoning fragrance. Just few moments and the view of golden loaves right out of woodfired oven, protagonist of the scene, will please the eyes. It’s from there that a healthy and sincere smell generously spreads, in profound harmony with the stone walls of the ancient town.

Found for a choice of love and future by Marcello and Donato, which by the warm and cozy fire of their laboratory they knead, shape and bake daily bread and other products in a range that is constantly evolving, influenced by seasons, holidays and traditions.

Forno 5 sensiMarcello e Donato left the small town of Val Fortore as kids, like many other young people, with the prospect of building a life elsewhere. From Sannio to Abruzzo, to study and find their own way. Marcello found its way in hospitality and Donato in studying cooking technique that after graduation would also provide him a job. For many years they stayed away and content with their path, until a common desire, that soon became a shared project,  brought them together: to invest savings and experience in their old town, betting on the great potential of a territory rich in natural beauty and history, to enhance without betraying its own specificity and spirit. <<We wanted to finally enjoy our hometown, return to our origins – explain the brothers – even if it was a risk. It has been valuated what was missing and what could be useful in that specific context. We have chosen to invest in this business where we both brought our own professionality and that we are growing together with our wives Lina and Donatella , which are part of the project since the beginning>>.

Forno 5 sensi

So, in 2012, Forno 5 Sensi was born, starting from the most traditional production, the good bread, made with respect and care in every single detail and baked with mastery in an oven fired with a salubrious scented wood from the area surrounding Foiano. And then, progressively, after the bread other products have been added, every single one from raw materials researched and selected with care: the flours; the mother yeast kept and refreshed on site for the natural leavening; butter or lard and peanut oil, palm oil is strictly excluded.

Forno 5 sensi

Result of ancient knowledge and innovative capability, the assortment of sweet`s always various and fulfilling. It is inspired by traditions and holydays specialties but reworked without seasonal limitations: frollini biscuits, almond paste, cantuccini, mezzi sigari, desert rose, Sannio bread, pan pepato. Cakes or single-portions, in a large range of tastes that conquer the palate and view, with or without the additional pleasure of milk or dark chocolate, and of the custards for tasty fillings or with well balanced flavours of dried fruits, candied fruits and spices which mix in harmony for the Campania`s “pisto”. High quality elements that make seasonal appointments such as Easter “colomba” and Christmas “panettone” unmissable. Those will become, once the holydays are gone, bread with fresh taste of candied Annurca apple, from Campania of course. Sweet bread that can be found every time of the year, so versatile that can be perfectly matched with ice cream in summer.

Forno 5 sensi

Bread, biscuits, cake handcrafted, step by step, from the encounter-fusion of the ingredients to the fancy packaging that holds their freshness. Made every time in limited quantities, banning food additives, a natural hydroalcoholic solution created from Donato is what maintains them fresh. Another distinctive choice of quality. Made to satisfy, conquest and cuddle the 5 senses. In Foiano of Val Fortore and everywhere their fragrant and golden pastries go.

Colomba 5 sensi

Cinque Sensi

Cinque atti di puro godimento!