Sea excursions

Discovering the sea of Ischia with Nemosub, the coral colored submarine

Attention is drawn by its slow progress in the liquid blue, from where it stands out for its unmistakable coral color like a large fish on the exploration.

Nemo foto diurnaA short distance from the land, following the jagged line of the northern coast of the island characterized by edges, bays and shores, a submarine sails in the sea of Ischia. It’s a semi-submarine actually, because the upper part stays out of the water, allowing, also thanks to two lively black eyes painted on the sides, its pleasant identification with a finned cartoon-like protagonist. The name, Nemo, completes the identification of its "mission" even before descending into the welcoming belly with glass walls where is possible to admire the underwater life in its natural and amazing course for the entire duration of the trip.

The submarine itineraries start from Casamicciola and Ischia Ponte. Offering, in each excursion, an all around experience for the variety of plant and animal species populating the seabed and the water column. The historical charm and anthropogenic value of the coastal stretches involved are also very strong, because there isn’t a stone around the island that is not linked to stories and myths worthy of mention. And so there is always a new piece of knowledge to add to the mosaic that the underwater walk with Nemosub helps to compose.

The stretch of coast most used in ancient times, between the dock of Casamicciola and the promontory of Monte Vico, is protagonist every Monday, Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday. It starts from the pier in piazzale Anna De Felice, commonly known as piazzale dell’Ancora. During the hour of the tour, the submarine goes along the coast of Casamicciola and Lacco Ameno, the ancient Pithekoussai, up to the astonishing beach of Varulo, at the bottom of Monte Vico, from which it goes back, passing next to the characteristic green tuff “mushroom”, symbol of Lacco. The underwater perspective offers an unusual close up view of the Posidonia oceanica of Lacco Ameno, the most famous in the world thanks to over ten years of international scientific research. castello nemosubAnd the Posidonia favors a great biological diversity, allowing fascinating encounters with a varied fauna, including schools of barracudas.

The tour going on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays has the Aragonese Castle on the north-eastern side of the island as its fulcrum. Nemo starts from the Aragonese pier, in the hamlet of Ischia Ponte, and goes around the islet fortified by the Angevins and Aragonese. An extraordinary opportunity to admire the seabed teeming with life between the major island and the minor island, where there is a luxuriant Posidonia oceanica with all its rich set of animal species, which are protagonists of the submerged landscape beyond the windows. And the particular way of the excursion also allows you to see closely the phenomenon of "vents", the natural emissions of carbon dioxide, extensively studied by researchers from all over the world, because they produce a natural laboratory under the castle of Ischia to deepen the phenomenon of ocean acidification.

Two special itineraries to visit the island from the sea, inside the sea. With the pleasure of surprise from the start to the end of the excursion / exploration lived in the dry, in the transparent belly of Nemo.


Nemo sub, 12 seats, equipped with AC

Monday, Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday departure and arrival from the dock of Casamicciola, descending from piazzale dell’Ancora

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, departure and arrival from the Aragonese pier, Ischia Ponte

Tour duration: 1 hour

Hours: 10.00-13.00 and 17.00 until evening.

NemoSub Ischia

Visita i fondali di Ischia a bordo del semisommergibile Nemosub