TRAMONTI - thirteen hamlets in the green valley of the Lattari mountains

unescoFrom Monte Finestra, which dominates with the Cerreto and the Trivento the fertile valley crossed by the Satrono river, on the eastern side of the Lattari Mountains, one glance is enough to embrace them all. Thirteen historic hamlets form Tramonti, the Municipality scattered in the interior of the Amalfi Coast precisely located “intra montes” as its name indicates, which does not correspond to any of the ancient hamlets, but identifies their union by the strong historic, economic and human roots.


Along th coast after Maiori,

going towards Cetara, you get to Erchie, one of the districts of Maiori and a picturesque seaside village, which opens like an amphitheatre on the sea, surrounded on the sides and behind by rock walls rich in vegetation in which houses are also nestled. There is the church of Santa Maria Assunta, which used to be a Benedictine abbey founded in 980 and suppressed in 1451, with valuable tuff decorations. Marina di Erchie is among the most beautiful beaches of the Coast. Eastward, there is an ancient watchtower.



It is among the most beautiful Italian hamlets. In the Vietri sul Mare area, Albori is the smallest district and contains all the characteristic elements creating the splendours of the Coast of the Sirens: a group of coloured houses encircling the uplands, the covered alleys located on the hill and connecting it to the sea, the tower protecting the inlet, the magnificent panoramas you can admire from the different corners of the village. And a double soul, peasant and marine, which has distinguished the inhabitants over the centuries