POZZANO - Il borgo del santuario affacciato sul golfo
Anticamente, quando vi sorgeva un tempio dedicato a Diana cacciatrice, apparteneva alla famiglia Ponzia.
Anticamente, quando vi sorgeva un tempio dedicato a Diana cacciatrice, apparteneva alla famiglia Ponzia.
On the road to Pompeii, stands the populous "City of coral”, which is the protagonist of the precious local history also celebrated in museums such as the one created in 1986 by Basilio Liverino in a lava cavity six meters deep (the coral collection and cameos are made of more than a thousand pieces and is among the most important in the world); and the one hosted at the historic State Institute of Art.
Returning to the sea, on the slopes of Monte Faito, there is Castellammare, whose name, according to some thesis, derives from «castrum ad mare», in other words the sea fortress built in the 9th century, around which the small city founded by Hercules is developed, and which was buried by the eruption of 79.
From Naples, along the ancient road Reggia di Portici known as the Golden Mile Road, there is Herculaneum, which is the first gateway to the Vesuvius National Park.
It was the ancient Oplontis, with its luxurious residential complex destroyed by the eruption of 79 AD property of Poppea Sabina, second wife of Emperor Nero: it was brought to light with an excavation campaign started in 1964.
It gave his name to a sparkling red wine Doc. Famous for its fabrics, anciently fruit of a thriving silkworm industry and for a modern production of swimwear. But the history of Gragnano has been specially bound to the flour for eight centuries.