Procida, shortlisted Italian capital of Culture 2022

Procida DSC 7715 2It is the island of history: the northernmost landing on the Mycenaean routes in the Mediterranean seventeen centuries before Christ.

It is the island of Literature: Alphonse de Lamartine stayed there for a while, drawing inspiration for his famous novel "Graziella" of 1852 and, a century later, Elsa Morante set there her "Arturo’s island", winner of the 1957 Strega Prize.

It is the island of the Cinema: its landscape was used as a living scenography for the successful film adaptation of "The Island of Arturo" in 1962 and in 1994 it was the set of "The Postman" (Il Postino), a great international production as well as a great performance by Massimo Troisi.

It is the island of architecture: its differently colored houses are a very special feature in the panorama of Mediterranean architecture

It is the island of the Monuments: from the Renaissance-style Avalos Castle, which became the Royal Delight of Charles of Bourbon and then a jailbreak under his descendants at the Abbey of San Michele in the medieval village of Terra Murata, to the magnificent churches, to the square that honors the Martyrs of the Neapolitan Republic of 1799 who were executed there.

It is the island of Maritime Culture: dagli anni Ottanta del XVIII secolo forma professionisti che navigano su tutte le rotte del mondo.

It is the island shortlisted as Italian Capital of Culture 2022 because culture doesn't isolate.

It is Procida