Strolling through the Phlegraean workshops

The art galleries, some of col which are well known: the contemporary art and painting workshops; the artisan shops, between eclectic characters and visionary places: this is where you can make funny encounters and interesting purchases. There are (handmade) glass decorators, ceramists, wood masters who know how to freed their imagination in a captivating way. But it is on the food and wine side that the Phlegraean Fields offer successful variations on the theme, to incite you to purchase something that is much more than a trip souvenir. If there are those who dedicate themselves to the production of herbal liqueurs or jams, addressing themselves to prevalently touristic customers, it is especially in the wine sector (not only for the specialists but also for the “normal” palates and noses) that the variety of products offers a spoiled for choice. Going around wineries is in fact a fascinating experience, in the heart of the DOC Campi Flegrei that is summed up in the essential history of two vines, the falanghina and the piedirosso, both grown in very special landscape contexts.

Come nel caso dell'azienda «La Sibilla» ( Tel. 081 8688778 ), dalle vigne affacciate sul Castello Aragonese di Baia, che affondano le radici in terreni antichi, veri e propri siti archeologici. E' davvero emozionante visitare cantine allestite nelle cisterne romane in opus reticulatum, che approviggionavano con l'acqua di Serino le ville marittime  di Baia. 

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Testimonies of a millenary wine culture that fascinated the Roman intellectuals, from Cato to Columella, who already described very clearly the organoleptic peculiarities of the wines of the territory. Bottles signed by wineries which have found excellent markets not only in Italy but also abroad, which know how to express a precise millenary identity, like the “falanghina” which owes its name to the support poles called “falange” around which the progressive development of the vine happens: it is the characteristic of the Phlegraean viticulture with the “Spalatrone” training system.

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