
Extraordinary artistic talent, Giotto of Bondone was born in Vicchio, in Mugello, maybe in 1267. The information regarding his first years are meagre and it is not historically proved that he has been a pupil of the great Cimabue. The first work attributed to him is from 1290: a Virgin for the church of Borgo San Lorenzo of which there is only a fragment remaining.

Giuseppe Garibaldi

The Hero of the Two Worlds was born in Nice, already French, from an Italian family on 4th of July 1807. Boarded as a ship’s boy, over the years he was able to command his ship and in 1833, he enrolled in the “Young Italy” of Giuseppe Mazzini. In 1834, he participated in a first revolt in Savoy, which failed. He then had to escape while he was already sentenced to death.

Ferrante d’Avalos

Il marchese di Pescara Francesco Ferrante, figlio di Alfonso II d’Avalos, nacque a Napoli nel 1490. Rimasto orfano giovanissimo, fu amorevolmente cresciuto sull’isola dalla zia Costanza, governatrice della Città d’Ischia, tra i protagonisti della storia del Regno di Napoli in quell’epoca di grandi contrasti tra Spagnoli e Francesi per il controllo dell’Italia meridionale.

Georg Buchner

To him we owe the historical evidence of Pithekousai, of its pre-existence in Cumae and, therefore, of its role as a cradle of Magna Graecia. The archaeologist Georg Buchner was born in Monaco of Bavaria on 8th of August 1914, son of the famous zoologist Paul and a Venetian painter, who started to regularly frequent Ischia, living on a small of hill of Saint Alexander on 1927.

Vittoria Colonna

One of the greatest Italian poets of the XVI century, a leading figure of the Renaissance, friend and confident of Michelangelo Buonarroti, Vittoria Colonna was born in Marino in April 1490 (or maybe 1492). Daughter of the mercenary captain Fabrizio Colonna allied of the Aragonese of Naples and of Agnesi of Montefeltro, lords of Urbino.

Vilhelm Bergsøe

A keen naturalist and great narrator, Jörgen Vilhelm Bergsöe was born in Copenhagen on 8th of February 1835. He got a degree in zoology and a strong scientific preparation.

Ernest Renan

He had a deep knowledge of Semitic and oriental languages and was a religious historian. He was born in Brittany, at Tréguier, on 28th of February 1823. Orphan since his youngest age, he entered the seminary when he was fifteen. He left it seven years later in order pursue his studied, which led him to Italy for his degree about Averroism (school of philosophy based on the works of the philosopher Averroes).

Angelo Rizzoli

The main creator of the touristic development of the island of Ischia during the post-war. Angelo Rizzoli was born in Milan on 31st of October 1889, already orphan of his father who was a very poor and an alphabet cobbler. For this reason, he grew up in an orphanage, raised between the martinitt, where he learnt the profession of typographer.

Henrik Ibsen

The great Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen was born in Skien on 20th of March 1828, second-born of a wealthy. However, the economic fortune of the family suffered a hard blow when Henrik was still a child and the Ibsen family had to move to a farm.

Pietro Monti

He studied to be a priest. He was an archaeologist first by chance and then by passion, don Pietro Monti as the discoverer of a treasure trove of testimonies and archaeological finds from VIII b.C to the dawn of Christianity in the underground of Lacco Ameno.

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