Phillip Hackert

Jakob Phillipp Hackert was Prussian from Prenzlau where he was born on 15th of September 1737. He started painting with his father and then moved to Berlin where, after a period spent at his uncle’s workshop, he attended the Academy of Fine Arts and courses which led him to landscape paintings.

Pietro Cavallini

Non è stato facile per i posteri ricostruire la biografia di Pietro Cavallini, uno dei massimi esponenti della Scuola romana del XIII secolo. Il nome Petrus Caballinus de Cerronibus utilizzato nei documenti ufficiali aveva fatto pensare a lungo che si trattasse di un’altra persona e c’è voluto tempo per ricomporre un quadro attendibile delle informazioni disponibili.

Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa

IThe most trusted friend of Octavianus since his early years, partner in many battles, creator of many on land and sea victories – between all of them, the battle of Azio against Antony and Cleopatra – and a safe support for the rise to power of the future princeps, who chose him as his son-in-law, Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa emerged on the battlefields of Spain and Macedonia already under Julius Caesar. 

Tino di Camaino

Era di Siena l’insigne scultore e costruttore Tino di Camaino, che vi era nato intorno al 1285, figlio dell’architetto Camaino di Crescentino, ma il suo maestro fu il grande Giovanni Pisano, al cui fianco partecipò alla realizzazione dei rilievi della facciata del Duomo di Siena.

Pliny the Elder

In search of knowledge, Gaius Pliny The Second, better known as Pliny the Elder, from an early age , was interested in studying and analysing the most diverse disciplines with the passion and the curiosity of a researcher. His wealth of knowledge increased and strengthened with the contribution of the military expeditions to which he participated in different areas of the empire under Vespasian, of whom he was a friend, and the numerous trips which lead him to Africa.

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