The dripping has made splendors. Stalactites and stalagmites are composing imaginative and mysterious sets, they form imposing sculptures and they surprise with continuous suggestions all along the way. It is covering only a part of the immense underground complex of the Castelcivita Caves, in the heart of the Alburni, on the bank of the Calore.
A system of karst cavities organised around a main passage, with side branches. There are three possible visit routes, differenciated according to diverse difficulty levels. Tourists choose the way of 1200 meters long, which ends in the Caverna Bertarelli, with a circular plan and with a diameter of over forty meters, embellished by a majestic central pillar and by the so-called “Pagoda”, a stalagmite in the shape of an oriental temple. The second way, amateur, is even more challenging and reaches the “Sifone lake”. The last one is reserved to experienced speleologists and reaches the “Terminale lake”. Even if they are differently visitable, there isn’t a part of the caves which doesn’t offer extraordinary natural show: different chambers are succeeding in the rock, each one with unique characteristics and reasons of special interests. At the entrance of the cave, finds of stone and fossils have ben found as evidence of human presence on that site dating back to forty thousand years ago. Although according to the tradition, Spartacus might have found a shelter there during the slave revolt. Therefore, the caves are also known as “Spartacus Caves”.