SANZA – Il Santuario della Madonna del Cervato o della Neve

Nella serena notte di mezza estate, tutto il paese veglia, unito nell’attesa che le campane della chiesa madre inizino a suonare. Da tempo immemorabile, è quello, ogni 26 luglio, l’inizio di uno dei momenti comunitari più significativi per i figli di Sanza e per tanti altri fedeli cilentani.

SANT'ANGELO IN FASANELLA - Sanctuary of St. Michael Archangel

The sanctuary cave of St. Michael Archangel

On the Alburni, in the area of Sant’Angelo a Fasanella which already welcomed pilgrims heading to the Costa Palomba for the Antece in ancient times, there is a cave that was already frequented in prehistoric times.

Calvanico – S. Michael Peak

As far as the eye can see, framing the nearest mountains, children of the Picentini range, and then, in every other directions, the Lattari, the Alburni, the unmistakable Vesuvius and, further away, the chains of Partenio and Matese, up to the Gulf of Naples and even the outline of the island of Ischia when the sky is clear.

NOVI VELIA - Sanctuary of the Sacred Mount

unescoIt has been a pilgrimage destination between the last Sunday of May and the first of October for seven centuries. On the "mount of the idol", according to the Arabic etymology of the name Gelbison, at 1705 meters in altitude, stands the Sanctuary of the Sacred Mount of Novi Velia, an ancient place of Marian worship also known as Monte Sacro or Madonna del Monte.