

Castelcivita Caves

The dripping has made splendors. Stalactites and stalagmites are composing imaginative and mysterious sets, they form imposing sculptures and they surprise with continuous suggestions all along the way. It is covering only a part of the immense underground complex of the Castelcivita Caves, in the heart of the Alburni, on the bank of the Calore.

Pertosa Caves

The cavity in the rock, extraordinarily spacious, offered safe shelter and refuge. The presence of unlimited freshwater was another positive aspect of that place, to also live there and not only to stop temporarily. Water was the only obstacle because it was covering the floor of the cave. Therefore, they created an elevated route and they did the same for spaces used daily.

Cave of the Angel

A rupestrian cave, surrounded by a splendid natural landscape in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, in the municipality of Sant’Angelo a Fasanella. A place of great piety since the 11th century, when a Benedictine monastic community settled there. Inside the cave, the chapel dedicated to the Immaculate Conception guards sculptures, Fourteenth century frescoes and a statue of Saint Michael the Archangel.

The Zachito Caves

The Melandro River flows in its vicinity. The Zachito Caves, in the territory of Caggiano, revealed in the nineteenth century a surprising archaeological treasure. In the internal cavity to which it was possible to access through a narrow tunnel, finds were found by Paolo Carucci (he is the one who also discovered the Pertosa Caves) of Bronze Age, in other words of the 6th century BC, attributable to the first people frequenting the area, probably nomads dedicated to sheep farming.

The Bussento Caves

In the southern Cilento, in the hinterland of the Gulf of Policastro, there is a site of high environmental value which is identified with the drainage of basin of the Bussento River. What makes it special and unique is the fact that an emerged part corresponds to an underground one. It is a particularity which is the consequence of a karst phenomenon precisely linked to the presence of the river, which flows party underground, before re-emerging in the territory of the Municipality of Morigerati and continuing its course.