The Protected Marine Area of Costa degli Infreschi and Masseta

The underground spring keeps to generously deliver it to the sea. Still freezing cold, as it emerges from the belly of the earth in the large cave, the fresh water mixes with the salty one, transferring its freshness. A natural phenomenon that makes that stretch of sea unique, protected by the bay framed by nature, also giving the name it shares with the other distinctive elements of the place: Infreschi.

L’Area Marina Protetta di Santa Maria di Castellabate

Fu il mare, pietoso, ad accompagnare le sue candide membra ormai senza vita, deponendole su un lembo di terra emersa davanti al capo Enipeo, estrema propaggine meridionale del golfo di Poseidonia. Così la sirena Leucosia, dopo l’incontro fatale con Ulisse, legò indissolubilmente il suo nome all’isola e al verde promontorio di Licosa, regno silenzioso degli arbusti profumati della macchia.

Cilento National Park Vallo di Diano and Alburni

Twenty-five different habitats worthy of protection. An extraordinary biological variety represented by thousands of animal and plant species, many of which are endemic and rare. An endowment of archaeological sites and historical-artistic testimonies covering a time span of five hundred thousand years.